Job Tales - I interview professionals to help you become who you wish to be

#157 Tourist Office Manager - The Job Tale of Tiana Conlon

May 25, 2024 Laura Leoncini Season 4 Episode 157

Welcome to Job Tales: the show where we find out about various professions from around the world. Each week I speak to a new guest with a very interesting job. 

I am Laura Leoncini and today my guest is Tiana Conlon. Tiana is a Manager at the Tourist office of La Chaux de fond in the canton of Neuchatel in Switzerland. I know that tourism as a job attracts many people: the pleasure of traveling, discovering new places, get to know the local customs, learn new cultures, and see amazing landscapes. Tiana, you work in tourism, and your job is quite diverse, you get to explore your region and to help tourists discover your own canton. Can you tell me what your job entails?